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Proficiency Testing Microbiology – Food, water and hygiene

What is Proficiency Testing?

Proficiency testing (PT) is a part of the continuous quality assurance of a laboratory’s analytical results. This is an external quality control that demonstrates the laboratory's overall ability to analyze and report correct answers on agreed parameters over time.

Eurofins Food & Feed Testing Norway AS offer PTs in the field of microbiology, for foods, simulated water and hygiene. These PT schemes are accredited according to the requirements in ISO/IEC 17043. The test material is either dry natural foods, freeze dried microorganisms or swabs/cloths. The test material is produced by IFM Quality Services Pty. Ltd, Australia. IFM is an accredited reference material producer, and produce these materials according to the requirements in ISO 17034.

The safety data sheet for PT material can be found here.

How are PT trials organized?

Participants will receive their PT samples approximately the week before the period of analysis starts. Perform the analysis’ of your interest, use methods that are fit for the purpose of the target organisms, and participate in the trials of your choice.

Results must be entered into the portal before the due date. When a trial closes, there will be issued two reports; Preliminary report will be issued within 2 weeks and a final report will be issued within 4 weeks. The final report will include overview of results, and participants are able to compare their results against other participants.

The assessment of participant performance is carried out according to ISO/IEC 17043. The respective assigned values are determined by consensus, after all participants have submitted their test results. The consensus value is determined by robust statistics according to ISO 13528 (Algorithm A). Participants assessment is given by z-score for quantitative analysis and for the qualitative analysis, the assessment will be Pass of Fail. Results need to be reported in the portal within the due date, in order for the results to be included in consensus values, and to receive an individual assessment.

How often to participate in a PT?

The frequency of participation in PT trials is part of the laboratory’s risk assessment, however here are some issues that can be considered when planning:

  • What kind of risks are associated with the analyzes performed by the laboratory?
  • Does the laboratory have many different methods of analysis or different techniques?
  • Do you have many or few analysts?
  • Are your analysts experienced or new?
  • What level of competence do the analysts have?
  • How is the turnover in your lab?
  • What other kinds of control samples are used by the laboratory?
  • If you receive an unsatisfactory PT result, you need to consider how much time has passed since your last satisfactory PT result? (What about the real life

Why participate in PT trials?

  • To have the quality of your test results assessed by an external partner
  • To identify needs for training, maintain competence and indicate areas of improvement
  • To make sure that the laboratory is able to deliver reproducible results to its customers
  • To test new methods or equipment
  • To meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. PTs must cover all accredited analyzes if such programs exists

Deadline for reporting of participant results

It is important that laboratory results are reported within the deadline. We recommend reporting the results well in advance in case you might need technical assistance from Eurofins. If results are not reported within the deadline, it is not guaranteed that your results can be included. Please contact us as soon as possible, no later than the day after the reporting deadline, to find out if it will be possible to have your results included.

Our PT samples

Throughout the year our trials will offer different challenges. Most of our trials are composed of 3 samples (exceptions are hygiene and seafood, where the number of samples are two). The target organisms may be present in 1, 2 or 3 samples. Duplicate samples may occur. The level of target organisms may vary from low to high. As a result of this, the limit of detection may be challenged, and also the ability to make satisfactory dilution series. Relevant target strains are used. Mostly, target strains are characteristic for the particular analysis, however we may add atypical strains from time to time. Our PTs contain several target organisms at the same time, this means that a sample may have both a positive target combined with negative or background flora. For the food scheme, the matrix will also vary during the year.

The different frequency of added target organisms, the inoculated level and a variation of strains, is the best way of simulating real life samples. This will measure real competence. Remember to report your results from approved staff, not from staff in training.


As a PT provider Eurofins is obliged to keep the identity and the PT performance of the participating laboratories confidential, unless agreed to share this information. If Eurofins is required by law to release confidential information, you will be notified.

A few participants will receive their PT samples directly from IFM. Laboratory identity and laboratory performance will be kept confidential.